Wigwam Mills has been making socks in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, for a very long time.

Started in 1905, this company has and will continue to make high-quality outdoor gear in Wisconsin.

And, as it turns out, a dedication to your employees results in dedicated employees. According to snews, the average employee tenure at Wigwam is 17 years. Now that’s a stat worth touting!

Wigwam’s long average employee tenure is not surprising once you learn more about this American-born company. For example, they have gone to great lengths to ensure they have a skilled workforce at their disposal by creating a state-certified mechanic apprenticeship program. This should be front-page news across the country and a model for other companies to look to.

More details about Wigwam can be found in this great story by Kassondra Cloos on snews. Things like sustainability standards, solar panels, zero-landfill, upcycling, and donations to homeless shelters.

Find your next pair of socks at WigWam!

Image Credit: https://wigwam.com