Perception Kayaks

Business Name: Perception Kayaks
Gear Category:
City: Greenville
State: SC
American Made: All
About the Business:

For over 40 years, Perception has introduced more people to paddling than probably any other kayak maker. We’re a company of passionate kayakers that proudly design, mold and hand-assemble every Perception kayak in Greenville, South Carolina. In every model and size, Perception kayaks are known for personal touches that make kayaking fun for paddlers of all experience levels. Almost anyone that paddles knows the Perception name and its storied history. Our kayaks are known for their comfort, versatility, durability, and safety; they are also some of the easiest-to-paddle kayaks in the industry. We’re excited to move into the future with even more innovation and the reliable quality that everyone has come to expect.